此次rouge&lounge 上海中环广场Launching Party是rouge&lounge首次在中国与追求现代时尚生活方式的潮流人士见面,现场面火爆。活动现场不仅展示了最新的时尚单品,还有全智贤代言的所有包款。
rouge&lounge是一个超越想象的,融合多种多样生活方式的高级现代饰品品牌(Advanced Contemporary Accessory Brand),“rouge(芮)”象征着热爱自身事业的女性,“lounge(之)”则蕴含了从职场回归自我,在休憩的同时充实自身的含义。主要的目标消费者是对生活事业充满热情和自信,同时又追求自由生活方式的都市女性。她们已经尝试过多种品牌,但却希望能找到能体现自我个性的全新品牌,rouge&lounge为她们带来了具有独创性设计感和功能型的产品。
Brand Definition / Essence :
Unexpected modern classic as advanced contemporary
Brand Design Aesthetic :
Effortless chic with a dose of downtown edge
Brand Value :
RAL defines the ADVANCED CONTEMPORARY accessories category through a unique combination of inventive/unexpected design and artisanal craftsmanship quality.
Rouge & lounge Woman :
The rouge & lounge woman is confident, decisive and determined. She knows what she wants and how to get it. Creating and Exuding her own sense of style, she EFFORTLESSLY mixes business & pleasure. She has an UNEXPECTED sense of life style and keeps you guessing with a twist of humor. No matter the context, The rouge & lounge woman is always memorable....